Friday, July 22, 2016

Why I Hate B&Bs — Strong Opinions

(Image credit: Samantha Bolton)

In one of my favorite-ever Gilmore Girls episodes, Lorelai and Rory go on a road trip, get lost, and find themselves, desperate for food and rest, at the Cheshire Cat, a flowery, chintz-filled New England B&B. After chatting with the unnervingly perky Laura Ashley-clad proprietress, Lorelai takes Rory aside and says, “We must leave this place immediately.”

But their hunger and exhaustion get the better of them and they stay, only to end up trapped in their rooms, too afraid to walk past the other guests who are gathered downstairs for the obligatory cocktail hour. Lorelai explains to Rory that they cannot take a chance and rush past them to escape because, “if they catch us they’ll clamp onto us like leeches. And you know what that means. Chitchat. Stomach-churning, mind-numbing, soul-deadening chitchat.”

As always, Lorelai Gilmore speaks my truth. I too would rather starve or dine on a meal of old Certs than endure the forced camaraderie and over-the-top bonhomie that to me largely defines the B&B experience.

I realize that some may protest that I am being too hard on such a beloved American weekend getaway pastime. I know there are many earnest and dedicated innkeepers and some lovely “B&B-ers” that I would probably like under different circumstances. I know that many people find the whole thing positively charming.

I am not one of those people.


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