Why Vitamin D is important to the body? It is powerful enough to prevent bone diseases and promotes muscle health.
Why Vitamin D is important and why it’s needed
Medical experts are in the United Kingdom is raising awareness for people to take in vitamin D supplements, especially during winter and autumn, as much of the sunlight available to generate vitamin D production in the body is scarce with the skies even more gloomy during long periods of time.
The body benefits from vitamin D from the sun as the skin is exposed to sunlight. Other sources of vitamin D for oral supplements sourced from plant-based dietary products.
Although Vitamin D is considered vital to the body as it provides the essential nutrient for the bones and teeth to stay healthy, as well as other health benefits, however, many people are still considered deficient of this vitamin.
In children, low Vitamin D levels can cause brittle bones and rickets.
Sources of Vitamin D
Limited amounts of Vitamin D can be found in oil-rich fish high in omega 3 fatty acids, eggs, fruits and fortified cereals.
In England alone, one in every 5 adults and one in six children have low Vitamin D levels.
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recommends that everyone needs to have 10 micrograms of vitamin D in their bodies to promote bone and muscle health. Getting this much amount during the cold seasons can be very difficult especially with overcast skies.
The importance of Vitamin D
Vitamin D aids in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphates in the body that is responsible for growth and maintaining teeth, muscles and bones, severe cases of vitamin D deficiency includes softening and weakening of the bones, causing them to shape differently.
However, a word of caution though, as too much levels of vitamin D in the body can also be dangerous as it may increase calcium levels in the blood and pose dangers to the heart and kidneys.
Vitamin D also good for the heart
Another study also linked to Vitamin D is that it has also been found good for the heart. An adult considered physically healthy usually generates around 60 to 70 percent but those with heart failure problems usually have at most 25% of the volume pumped out.
Surprisingly, those taking the vitamin supplement tablets were found to have seen improvement in their heart –pumping activity when the ejection fraction jumped to 34%.
People should be more conscious about getting their required dose of Vitamin D as it is one of the cheapest and highly available vitamin that can be acquired to stay healthy, Dr. Witte added.
The post Why Vitamin D Is Important And Why Everyone Needs It appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.
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