Friday, July 22, 2016

Foods That Keep You Full Longer To Avoid Gaining Weight

Foods that keep you full helps you feel satiated longer and helping you avoid giving in to food cravings that could cause you to lose track of your fitness goals.

Food that keep you full to control cravings

It would be good to know what foods can help you curb your appetite not just to lose weight, but also help manage your meals effectively.

Here are some of the most common foods that can help you feel full longer and prevent you from craving food.


Ah, the ever ubiquitous apple. It is made up mostly of fiber and water to help you feel full faster. Eat a piece at least 30 minutes before a meal so you would crave food less.


Half a regular sized avocado for lunch can help you feel full for the rest of the afternoon.


Beans, chickpeas and lentils are protein superfoods packed with a lot of fiber, antioxidants, iron and complex vitamins. Having these as part of your meal can help you eat less and satiated longer.

Dark Chocolate

It helps you control your craving for sweets. This is no joke. Studies show that pure dark chocolate has been found to help reduce blood pressure levels and contains antioxidants and powerful minerals that help protect the brain and heart.


Eggs are high in protein and helps reduce hunger. Start your day with eating eggs and you may not crave for anything until you get to your lunch period.

Check the table below, it will provide you with a guide on satiety levels of common foods. Try to plan your meals around this. The higher the number, the bigger the potential that it can keep you full longer

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The post Foods That Keep You Full Longer To Avoid Gaining Weight appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


from Nutrition Club Canada

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