Friday, September 25, 2015

Know What A Big Mac Does in an Hour and Be Scared

When you say McDonald’s, you’d easily think of their Big Mac. Gustatory feelings aside, do you know what a Big Mac does in an hour? Health experts from  Fast Food Menu Price website have claimed the burger will ignite your brain’s reward system the same was as a drug like cocaine.

Also from Fast Food Menu Price, an infographic shows what happens to your body one hour after eating a Big Mac. It shows what goes on inside our bodys from the first 10 minutes to the first hour when our bodies slowly digest the evil that is Big Mac.

As reported by Justine Alford, here is a closer look to the dramatic infographic about how our bodies react to one of the best-selling fast food product:

Is This Really What A Big Mac Does To Your Body In An Hour?

Another day, another dramatic infographic. This time, we’ve moved away from shocking suggestions of what sugar- and stimulant-laden drinks apparently do to your body within 60 minutes, to the unappetizing after-effects of eating a Big Mac. Read more…

Fast foods are junk foods. The infographic of what a Big Mac does in an hour to you is a reflection of what junk and fast foods will do to your body if you keep eating them every day.

These fast foods contain too many calories and too little nutrition. If junk and fast food is a regular addition to your daily consumption, you might find yourself struggling with weight problems and other illnesses.

In conclusion, Big Macs, like other junk foods, are never going to be good for you. So if you are thinking of replacing your Big Mac with a smaller cheese burger, stop. Junk and fast food will do you no good.

 Image Credit: Is This Really What A Big Mac Does To Your Body In An Hour? – IFL Science 

The post Know What A Big Mac Does in an Hour and Be Scared appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.

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