Saturday, September 9, 2017

These Are the Most Annoying Things Your Family Members and Roommates Do in the Kitchen — Strong Opinions

Not to be all negative or anything, but sometimes our roommates (read: our family members, friends, strangers we found on Craigslist, pets, etc.) can be super annoying to live with — especially when it comes to how they use (or even don’t use) the kitchen. For example, I love my husband to death, but he is very bad at closing cabinet doors. In that, he just doesn’t. He can open cabinet doors, but I’m starting to worry that maybe he doesn’t know how to close them. I am constantly walking behind him — doing my very best Vanna White impression — closing the doors he’s opened.

I know I’m not the only one who’s bothered by a little thing here or there. I know this, because we asked you guys. We posted a very simple question on Facebook: What’s your biggest pet peeve in the kitchen? We got almost a thousand comments in a very short period of time (we’re talking just a few hours).

Here were some of the biggest and best (or worst?) gripes you guys had.


from WordPress

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