Friday, December 23, 2016

Saturated Fat Intake: Is It Truly Bad For Us?

My Fitness Pal tackles the idea about the content of this fatty acid. There are health experts who tell clients that intake should be limited. But there are those who raise their flags and say that this has been unfairly judged over the years.

What do you think? What’s opinion on this one? The main problem with this fatty acid is that it’s been linked with cardiovascular diseases. Get this though: while eating this increases your LDL (bad cholesterol numbers), it develops the size of those LDL cholesterol particles. Bigger LDL cholesterol particles were linked to a decreased risk in heart diseases.

Is Saturated Fat All That Bad for Me?

Larger LDL cholesterol particles have been linked to lower risk of heart disease. On the other hand, saturated fat tends to promote cellular inflammation, a process linked to higher heart disease risk. Read more…

Web MD tells us that this type of component in our foods have long been called “bad fats” because of its effect on the major organ of our body, the heart. A new analysis has shed some light on the matter and it questions this idea.

Annals of Internal Medicine released the findings and it has initiated a new debate on fats and heart health. According to its researchers, it should trigger a new wave of diet guidelines for cardiovascular health.

Saturated Fats Not So Bad? Not So Fast, Critics of New Analysis Say

There is some common ground. All agree that dietary fat is just one factor that drives heart disease risk. Paying attention to the other factors is also important. Read more…

Authority Nutrition explains that this fatty acid has been regarded as the one responsible for raising cholesterol levels and giving us heart attacks.

Fat is a macronutrient that we take in big amounts and in turn, gives us energy. Find out how about the components of the different types of fat. Check it out:

Saturated Fat: Good or Bad?

However… many recent studies suggest that the true picture is more complicated than that. This article takes a detailed look at saturated fat and whether it is good or bad for your health. Read more…

Maya Adam talks about the Dietary Fats and Their Recommended Intake. Check out her video here:

The post Saturated Fat Intake: Is It Truly Bad For Us? appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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