Thursday, December 8, 2016

Benefits Of Eating Fatty Foods: Fats Can Reduce Risk Of Death says that back in the 80’s and 90’s, people were all about low-fat foods. Buying anything without this label would be outright ridiculous.

Before, butter and egg yolks were considered as unhealthy and almost everyone puts these two in their “do not eat” list. However, times have proven that things can change.

This Can Reduce Risk Of Death

Back then, butter and egg yolks topped the “do not eat” list, while refined carbs and packaged foods weren’t given a second thought. But times have definitely changed. Read more…

 CNN tells us the reasons why our diets should include more of these. Refined carbs and packaged foods were not given as much thought three decades ago. Things definitely changed in the modern times, though.

These days, experts think that a good diet should include macro and full-fat products in addition to other super foods. The thing is, people still question the kind of fat that they should take.

Why Your Diet Should Include More Fat

Yet, some people still question what kinds of fat they should eat and exactly how it affects the body. That’s why we called on Mark Hyman, MD, author of the “Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook,” to help us wipe clean the greasy mess of info… Read more…

The Daily Burn debunks these 5 myths for people to realize why they need it in their daily food intake. The first one: fat on your plate is equivalent to the fat on your body.

Eating fat is not going to make you fat. Completely eradicating its presence in your diet can increase the likelihood of gaining weight. The reason is that you end up feeling deprived.

5 Myths — Debunked

Completely eliminating or limiting it from your diet can actually make you gain weight, often because it leaves you feeling so deprived. Conversely, some studies have found that fatty foods can aid in weight loss. Read more…

It’s important that a person undergoing a strict diet should be aware of these facts. It is still important in any kind of eating regimen and should not be left out entirely.

The post Benefits Of Eating Fatty Foods: Fats Can Reduce Risk Of Death appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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