Thursday, December 8, 2016

Potentially Harmful Chemical In Teethers

CTV News reports about the potentially harmful chemicals in baby toys. We’re all familiar with these teethers. Parents usually use these to help their little angels deal with pain during teething. It appears though that these aren’t entirely safe.

The study published in Environmental Science and Technology journal on Wednesday said that the New York department of health researchers discovered that babies who chew on teethers may be ingesting little doses of endocrine-disrupting compounds.

Study Finds Potentially Harmful Chemical Widespread In Baby Teethers

In the study, published in the Environmental Science and Technology journal on Wednesday, researchers with the New York department of health made findings that suggest babies who chew on teethers may be ingesting small doses of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs), a variety of chemicals that can potentially interfere with hormones and have harmful developmental, reproductive and neurological effects Read more… says that aside from endocrine-disrupting chemicals, those toys were found to also have bisphenol-A (BPA).

The authors noted that even studies in animals show these chemicals mess up the hormones and eventually cause harm in terms of developmental, reproductive, and neurological aspects.

BPA is supposed to be banned from children’s utensils in the U.S. and in Europe.

Just How Safe Is That Baby Teether?

The teethers also contained a range of parabens and the antimicrobial agents triclosan and triclocarban, which are also endocrine disruptors, the researchers said. Read more…  

CBS News says that the author of the research, Kurunthachalam Kannan explains that he and his colleagues wanted to find out more about the chemical composition of the teethers. Babies use these all day and they get exposed to these toys. Kannan is a research scientist at New York State Department of Health and the School of Public Health at the State University of New York at Albany.

They looked into 59 teethers: solid,  gel-filled and water-filled.  They placed the teethers in water for an hour and discovered that chemicals leeched out into the water.

Baby Teether Study Finds Many Contain Potentially Harmful Chemicals

The levels measured were lower than current regulatory limits for other products, Kannan noted. But he said those limits are not set specifically for babies and don’t take into account the accumulation of chemicals a baby might be exposed to over time and from multiple products. Read more…

So far, the brands of the teethers which were found to have the harmful chemicals have not been released yet. In the meantime, it might be good practice to substitute teethers with frozen waffle. Though this is not reusable, it’s a sure and safe way for your babies.

The post Potentially Harmful Chemical In Teethers appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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