Friday, December 9, 2016

Teens Use Of E-Cigarettes Prove To Be Alarming

CNN reports that the nation’s top doctor is quite alarmed with this. Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the US surgeon general, says that these are widely used form of tobacco among youth in the United States. It was stated in a report that was released last Thursday.

The numbers show that the users among high school students have significantly increased by 900%. This was between the periods of 2011-2015. 

Surgeon General Sounds The Alarm On Teens And E-Cigarettes

Specifically, among middle and high school students, use of e-cigarettes has more than tripled since 2011, the report indicates. Meanwhile, after a period of relative stability from 2011 to 2013, vaping among young adults between 18 and 24 years old more than doubled from 2013 to 2014. Read more…

ABC News says that Dr. Murthy explains it’s already a public issue that threatens the youth’s health. He considers the need to have more investigative procedures done especially in terms of the health effects of vaping.

However, his main concern is that it may be creating kids who are addicted to nicotine. If it goes that way, then it’s not an improvement but rather a big letdown.

Surgeon General Sounding Alarm on Teens’ Use of E-Cigarettes

Battery-powered e-cigarettes turn liquid nicotine into an inhalable vapor without the harmful tar generated by regular cigarettes. Vaping was first pushed as safer for current smokers. Read more…

CBS News shares about the doctor’s experience when he traveled the country. He said that a lot of people are confused about electronic cigarettes. What they don’t understand is that these aren’t harmless products.

These contain nicotine and it doesn’t have cancer-causing tar that’s the common component in traditional cigarettes. However, nicotine is still a highly-addictive drug and it raises the possibility of harming the adolescents’ brains.

Nation’s Top Doctor Sounds Alarm On Teen Use Of E-Cigarettes

Seventeen year old Tyra Nicolay started using e-cigarettes three years ago as a high school freshman. “I thought they were just water vapor, and a majority of my friends thought the same thing,” Nicolay said. Read more…

 The entire point is that there is no safe use of any tobacco products especially for the adolescents. Electronic cigarettes are not exempted from this.

The post Teens Use Of E-Cigarettes Prove To Be Alarming appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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